Spring Wind Farm, a community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm serving the Northfield area has been one of HealthFinders Collaborative’s (HFC) strongest food security partners in Rice County since 2010. Spring Wind Farm is headed by Betsy Allister and her husband, Andrew Ehrmann. The couple moved back to town in 2010 to start their CSA and immediately began collaborating with HFC.
“We instantly realized what a huge asset HealthFinders was to the community,” says Betsy. "We have been working with HFC in some capacity ever since.” This partnership is a wonderful example of how HealthFinders strives to collaborate with different members of the community, and none of it would be possible without the generosity of individuals like Betsy and Andrew.
Community Partnership
While there were many different partnership options that Spring Wind farm could have pursued when looking into community support and Rice County food security, HealthFinders emerged as a strong contender. “HealthFinders does an incredible job understanding and approaching health in a holistic way,” say the farmers. This holistic approach is something that is key in both the CSA mission as well as the HealthFinders mission.
The collaboration is even stronger because of the specific niche that each organization plays in the mission of the other. For HealthFinders, Spring Wind Farm has the supply and knowledge of an abundance of fresh vegetables that wouldn’t otherwise be available. In partnering with HFC, Spring Wind Farm is able to reach many individuals they would otherwise not be able to.
Betsy and Andrew express the importance of these connections, detailing that they believe HealthFinders fills a key role advocating for and supporting underrepresented community members.
Tying back to Spring Wind Farm’s goals and the new community garden at HealthFinders’ Faribault clinic, teaching individuals how to grow, harvest, and prepare healthy foods is paramount to the health of a community. The community garden serves as an educational tool, allowing HFC clients to learn how to prepare their own foods and use the produce that Spring Wind Farm provides on a regular basis.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Spring Wind Farm and HealthFinders have been working tirelessly to support the health of patients, ensuring they can still receive nutrition through the vegetable shares. “HealthFinders is willing to listen and adjust its models based on what works for its clients, something we have seen over the years as our produce has been used for cooking classes, in-clinic pickup, and now home delivery,” say Betsy and Andrew. HFC has also adapted its food pantry to a food delivery model, distributing healthy produce to patients at their homes.
While HFC strives to adapt to all situations, none of this would be possible without Spring Wind Farm and their continued contributions. They are a valued member of the HealthFinders family and influence the lives of many throughout Rice County.
To support food security work, or other initiatives of HealthFinders, please consider making a donation to support our mission.