Getting Patients Vaccinated, One at a Time
HealthFinders has stayed on top of COVID-19 health guidelines and regulations since the beginning of the pandemic to help patients stay as safe as possible, and the rollout process of COVID-19 vaccines has been no different. Our staff is educated on the safety of the vaccines, and since they’ve become available in Minnesota, our community health workers have been keeping a close eye on which groups are eligible to receive it. As soon as a new demographic group becomes eligible, our community health workers are calling patients we identify as qualified to help them get an appointment scheduled if they desire, or, sending more information to those who are unsure about receiving the vaccine and want to learn more before making a decision.
When individuals age 75 and older first became eligible, HealthFinders helped a wave of patients get vaccinated at Rice County Public Health. Then, when the age range was expanded to 65+, a second wave of patients were vaccinated at Northfield Hospital. We are grateful to have such strong partnerships with several health care organizations like these within the community so we can work together to get Rice County patients vaccinated as efficiently and effectively as possible! The health and safety of our patients is extremely important to HealthFinders, so we are thrilled to be able to protect them against COVID-19 and help them live more comfortable, worry-free lives as we all make our way through the pandemic.
Why Get Vaccinated?
With the best interests of our patients in mind, HealthFinders trusts professional health care organizations like the MN Department of Health, CDC, and WHO and supports their recommendation to get vaccinated. No one will be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Minnesota, but HealthFinders advises all patients do so when they are eligible in order to help protect our community as a whole. The faster we all get vaccinated, the faster life can start returning to normal.
Our patients are thankful for our community health workers who have helped them navigate the vaccination process!
Want to be informed as soon as you are eligible to receive the vaccine? We recommend utilizing the Minnesota State Vaccine Connector Tool. Fill out the quick form, and you will be notified when the vaccine becomes available to your demographic.