We want to report that there will be a slight change to our dental fee structure starting January 1, 2023. This increase reflects the increasing costs of care, and is needed to keep pace with state dental reimbursements for patients who have MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance. This is the first time we have increased our dental service fee since the program was implemented. Rest assured we will continue to accept payments for services based on a sliding fee scale, and no one will be turned away because of inability to pay. What this means for you:
If you are covered by a public insurance plan, we will collect any applicable co-payments
If you do not have insurance, we will collect a small fee for your services based on your income
Cost of an office visit for patients with incomes 75%-125% FPL
New Patient: $10-$26
Returning Patients: $10-$35
We will always work with you to make sure cost is not a barrier to your care.

At HealthFinders Collaborative, 90% of costs are covered by our funders, and patients cover the remaining 10%.