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Pursuing a Nursing Dream: Kim Pozuelos 


HealthFinders Collaborative (HFC) is dedicated to not only helping the residents of Rice County, but also developing the staff that make up the family of the organization. Many staff members choose to return to school in order to pursue a degree while working, and HealthFinders strives to make this as easy as possible. Recently, Patient Advocate Kim Pozuelos graduated with a nursing degree after returning to school online and pursuing this degree for several years. Discussing with Kim all that she was looking forward to in the near future with her new degree, she said that she will once again pursue another degree in nursing which she hopes will allow her to work on a pediatric and delivery floor. She expressed that nursing, and the degree that comes with it, has opened up so many opportunities for her that she didn’t previously have access to. Her goal to pursue an additional degree was always a dream of hers, as well as to further her education and work in a field where she could use her education and language to help others. Kim is a bilingual staff member at HealthFinders and has been extremely valuable. HealthFinders is even more excited for how valuable she will be in the future.

A Message from Kim Kim expressed great appreciation for the flexibility and understanding that HealthFinders gave her while she was pursuing her degree. Recollecting on when she was taking courses part time, at night, and on the weekends, she said, “HealthFinders has always been willing to work with me and my chaotic schedule.” HealthFinders’ mission is to better the community of Rice County and those who live and work there. Whatever the future has in store, HealthFinders is thankful for the relationship that they have built with Kim over the past several years.

Applicable to everyone, Kim shares, “If you have been thinking of pursuing a goal, whether educational or personal, now is the time. Even if you start small … you’ll be that much closer to reaching your goal.” Great advice from a wonderful member of the HealthFinders family – everyone is very excited to see what the future holds for Kim.
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