HealthFinders Collaborative (HFC) salutes all of the local dental professionals who will participate in the Minnesota Dental Association's 2020
Give Kids a Smile event this weekend.
Each year, on the first Friday and Saturday of February, dental professionals from across Minnesota participate in the Give Kids a Smile initiative, providing free dental care to thousands of children in need.
Community-Based Dental Care at HealthFinders
HFC would like to remind the community that we are here to give children in need (and their parents, too!) a smile every day. HFC provides community-based dental care to uninsured patients living in Rice County as well as patients covered by Medical Assistance (MA) or other forms of public insurance. Uninsured patients are charged on a sliding fee scale that is based on income and household size.
“It’s great to see a patient get their smile back,” says HFC Executive Director Charlie Mandile. “Our approach to care ensures that patients are cared for holistically – from oral health, to medical health, to mental health.” True to our roots as a free clinic, no one is turned away for inability to pay. Services are provided at our new Faribault holistic health and wellness hub (1415 Town Square Lane) and periodically at our Northfield clinic (706 Division Street). We also frequently bring dental services to children in local schools. To make an appointment, please call 507.323.8100.