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Dr. Hogan to Fill in as Interim Clinical Director


Join us in welcoming Dr. Tim Hogan to our staff team! Dr. Tim Hogan, who has worked in Rice County as a Family Practice physician since 1985, is assuming clinical duties as part-time Clinical Director while CNP Emily Carroll is abroad. Emily and her family will be spending in Scotland for a year, returning in July 2018. Dr. Hogan has served as a volunteer physician for HealthFinders since his retirement, so he is well-versed in how HealthFinders functions. Dr. Hogan was approached by Charlie Mandile in late winter, and was asked to consider helping to fill the vast gap left by Emily’s absence. Dr. Hogan has agreed to take on the role, but, he says, “Only on the condition that Emily promises to return in 2018” and that many of Emily’s administrative functions will be managed by Daisey Sanchez and others. Additionally, during her time away, Emily will still be available remotely to handle administrative tasks and plan longer term projects. He is excited to get back into more clinical practice and work with the patient population in Faribault. He says, “What I like about HealthFinders is that we fill a vast need in the community, and there’s enough time provided with each visit to address the acute problems as well as encourage preventative care. This builds trusting relationships, and allows for better overall medical care.” Dr. Hogan was among the early physician volunteers at HealthFinders. He then took time off from volunteering for many years until his retirement. Since returning to volunteering, he has seen huge improvements in the care provided by HealthFinders clinical staff. He is very impressed by the HealthRise grant, HealthFinders’ partnership with Sterling Drug, and the enthusiastic participation of the HealthFinders staff. He is most impressed by all the good work done by Emily Carroll, saying “She has initiated many positive programs.” His hope is to continue the momentum created by Emily and the rest of the staff. He and Emily have been working together for the past month to ensure a smooth transition. Emily, just before she left, said “I feel really lucky both that I am able to go and I feel even luckier that I am able to come back.” Join us in wishing Emily safe travels and welcoming Dr. Hogan to the HealthFinders staff team!

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